
Sweet Dreams 1/2 oz


“Because, the best medicine is a good night’s sleep…”

“A field that has rested gives a beautiful crop.” Ovid
Take Sweet Dreams just before bedtime to fall asleep easily, sleep like a baby and wake up feeling refreshed.

SKU: ElixSD Category: Tag:

Sweet Dreams contains a proprietary blend of full-spectrum, organic, USA hemp-derived CBD oils (CBD and other cannabinoids and phytonutrients better absorbed by body because of the added terpenes), terpenes, and herbs to quiet the mind, let the body rest and sleep.


Terpenes and Other Ingredients: (Please take note: this is anecdotal evidence only.)
Mercene - Known as anti-inflammatory aid.
Limonene - Known as anti- inflammatory, anti-nausea and anti-anxiety aid.
Citrus - Orange, lemon and Meyer lemon which have same trace terpenes as limonene. Helps with nausea, digestion and nervous stomach.
Clove – contains naturally occurring mercene to relieve inflammation.


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