About August Cake Elixirs and Body Potions

August Cake CBD elixirs and body potions are high quality, artisan products. We use only organic, wildcrafted herbs and fruit, pure essential oils and organic hemp oil, made in the USA.

We make everything by hand, in small batches and with lots of magick and love.


Why you should care about Bioavailability…

That’s not the only thing that makes our product-line unique. It’s also our high level of bioavailability. All nutrients you ingest must take the same journey through the body’s digestive system to be freed from the food that contains it. Once freed, that nutrient then gets absorbed from the digestive system into your blood stream, your organs and your cells.

When a nutrient is poorly bioavailable, it’s digestion and absorption are not as effective. In other words, you can be taking the right stuff and peeing the goodness right down the toilet.


Four Steps to get the most out of your CBD products…

  • Look for full-spectrum, not isolate CBD.
  • Try several delivery methods simultaneously (orally, on your skin and vaping it.)
  • Go for a ‘whole-system upgrade’ (not just an end to your symptoms).
  • Choose products that synergistically blend with other compatible plant compounds.

You’ll need less CBD with August Cake products because ours’ contains the whole plant and is enhanced with a proprietary blend of herbs and other terpenes. It absorbs faster, better and more. The reason many people need to take a lot of CBD at first is because it’s hard for the body to absorb right away. You don’t need to do this with our products. They are like a highly bioavailable whole food, not just an isolated vitamin.


The Difference between Full-Spectrum and Isolate CBD

As of 2016, over 113 cannabinoids have been identified in hemp and marijuana. (The main difference between the two plants is that hemp contains only the tiniest amount of THC (.03% dry weight – which is totally legal in all 50 states). In other words, it will not get you high.) Full Spectrum CBD contains all the cannabinoids present in the plant, as Nature intended.

In it’s Isolate form, certain cannabinoids are separated from other compounds. We used to believe these isolates, were more potent and effective than Full Spectrum however, we now know differently. In a 2015 study from the Lautenberg Center for General Tumor Immunology in Jerusalem, researchers proved that Full Spectrum CBD delivered much higher levels of relief.

It is likely that other components in the extract synergize with CBD to achieve the desired antiinflammatory action that may contribute to overcoming the bellshaped doseresponse of purified CBD. We therefore propose that (full spectrum) Cannabis clone 202 extract is superior over (Isolate) CBD for the treatment of inflammatory conditions.


Based on this comparison, Full Spectrum Hemp Oil is more effective than CBD isolate. Hemp oil is an extremely potent source of CBD (responsible for a large bulk of the oil’s cannabinoid profile). To fully reap CBD’s benefits, one should explore using the different delivery methods together. That’s why we offer it sub-lingually (a dropper-full of elixir under your tongue), trans-dermally (slather it on your skin) and, coming soon, in vape pens. You may want to start with the tinctures, then add the body oils and watch your body come alive, inside and out. Eventually, think about tucking a vape pen inside your purse.



The ‘Ensemble Effect’

Our Full Spectrum, organic hemp has other benefits too. Some CBD oil is made with only parts of the plant, like seeds and stalks. We use CBD made from the whole plant, like Mother Nature intended.

It contains the all the cannabinoids (like cbd, cbc, cbg, cbn, cbga and cbda) as well as other phytonutrients and terpenes. This creates what’s known as ‘the ensemble effect’.

Researchers once called this the ‘entourage effect’ but, like the hit HBO show, they realized that an entourage consisted of a lot of helpers organized around one star. An ensemble, much like a fine string quartet, is a group of equals all making beautiful music together and much having more impact together than they would alone.

Hemp contains many chemical compounds that, when isolated from one another, are not nearly as effective as when they are together. Together, they modify the blood/brain barrier thus, greatly enhancing the cellular receptor field in your body and brain. Together they provide greater well being than when taken separately.


What the Heck are Terpenes?

Terpenes are like essential oils. They are the aromatic compounds produced by many plants, not just cannabis. (By the way, marijuana and hemp both belong to the cannabis family). You may also hear the word ‘terpenoids’. These are terpenes that have been chemically altered. We only use pure terpenes.

Terpenes do more than produce a smell or fragrance. Like amino acids, they are powerful building blocks within the plant’s physiology that aid in the production of vitamins, hormones, pigments, resins, and — yes, that most cherished part of the herb — cannabinoids. They bind to both neurological and cannabinoid receptors in the body and brain and can regulate the permeability of cell membranes.


My CBD Tastes Delicious

One of my clients calls my elixirs “drops of perfection.” I’ve created a unique way blending CBD with all types of edible medicinal plants and terpenes. 

Because terpenes are the essential oils of the plant, they provide the natural flavorings and also have their own active properties. However, terpenes can also be over powering and hit you in the sinuses rather than give a round flavor on the tongue. It doesn’t taste or feel as nice and everyone knows the first reaction to something sets the stage for how you’ll experience the product. By using other plants with trace amounts of the same terpenes found in foods that we already enjoy the flavor of, I discovered a way to make my products taste wonderful. From there it was just a matter of coming up with the best combos for the best flavors and effects.


Your Endocannabinoid System and why you want to optimize it…

If you’ve ever experienced a ‘runner’s high’, your body’s endocannabinoid system has produced molecules similar to those found in cannabis. Your body has endocannabinoid receptors in every organ, in your immune system and throughout your brain and spinal cord. It is believed that this system plays a major role in modulating our body/mind communication, perception of well-being and experience of pain (nocioception).

However, in today’s stressful world, getting a good runner’s high can be hard to come by and even harder to sustain (and even runners hit the wall). Sometimes, the endocannabinoid system needs a boost.

Although more research is needed, some leading authorities believe that low endocannabinoid function can lead to a variety of modern diseases such as irritable bowel syndrome, fibromyalgia and migraines, to name a few.


CBD is a Natural Endocannabinoid Supplement

CBD supplements your body’s natural endocannabinoids with a plant-based version. This plant molecule is not THC and it will not get you high.

The main molecule responsible for that euphoric feeling is actually called ‘anandamide’. It’s name hails from the Hindu word ‘ananda‘, meaning bliss. This bliss molecule is one of our body’s main endocannabinoids.

The other main molecule in our endocannabinoid system that is found in CBD is 2- Arachidonoylglycerol (2-AG). The jury is still out on all of it’s benefits but, it’s believed to play a role in reducing inflammation, appetite, and mood disorders.

Yet (and this where we take a deep bow to Mother Nature), these two cannabinoid molecules are not enough to really make this plant magic work it’s best. You still need the synergistic effects of all the other cannabinoids found in full-spectrum CBD to reap the full benefits.


How Much Should I Take?

So first, a disclaimer. August Cake makes NO medicinal claims, although we do have users who find great relief and rejuvenation from our products. We prefer to think of August Cake products in the category of ‘wellness and healthy beauty’. We want you to feel fabulous and to enjoy youthful, vitality-filled life!

That being said, please don’t obsess about dosage and ‘grain of rice’ sized portions.

When you squeeze the dropper top, it typically fills about ½ way up. We usually take several of these per day. We also vape and slather ourselves with the CBD body oils post shower or bath.

You’ll need less CBD with August Cake products because ours contains the whole plant and is enhanced with a proprietary blend of herbs and other terpenes. It absorbs faster, better and more. The reason many people need to take a lot of CBD at first is because it’s hard for the body to absorb right away. You don’t need to do this with our products. They are like a highly bioavailable whole food, not just an isolated vitamin.


About Me

Hi, I’m Daeira Bell and August Cake is my creation and my passion. I grew up surrounded by healers. Both my parents are healers, all their friends are healers, as a child, I regularly accompanied them while they taught at a large healing school. So, you could say healing is in my blood.

I’m also an artist, a musician, a white witch and a driven entrepreneur. I’m on a mission to help people learn how to get healthy and stay healthy, naturally. Taking charge of your well-being is the most life-affirming action we can take on the road to self-empowerment and it’s something we all can do.

I graduated from culinary school with a degree in food service management but I’m told that my real culinary gift is blending flavors. The perfume industry calls people like me ‘noses’ but, since the flavor industry doesn’t have a term for that, I guess you could call me a ‘bud’.

I started August Cake to help me. I got very sick after my first job, post college. It was a high-stress, creativity-killing position on a cold, isolated island (with even colder, suspicious of “out-siders” people). I developed pancreatitis, a series of infections, nerve spasms in my neck and back and I was miserable.

Like many, I’ve also struggled with anxiety and depression during my teens and early twenties. I’ve tried everything from disastrous experiences with big pharma, to genetic testing (which showed my serotonin levels were normal and the drugs prescribed were making me worse), to Rolfing, yoga, meditation, tapping, diet and self-medicating with all forms of plant medicine. That’s how I came upon CBD oils which, typically are flavored like snow cones to mask it’s gym sneaker taste. I knew I could do better so, I got to work and haven’t looked back. I’m happy to say, I only use my products now and I truly believe this product is a gift from Mother Nature herself.

I’m a firm believer in the evolutionary saying “include and transcend”. I love using the wisdom of ancient practices like herbalism with the new technology of healing emerging from the booming hemp industry. This is how we honor the gifts Mother Nature has given us and this is how we rise up and take back our own bodies, minds and health.